Do Taycans Come With Tesla Adapter for Supercharger?

Do Taycans Come With Tesla Adapter for Supercharger?

Do Taycans Come With Tesla Adapter for Supercharger? To be sincere, many people who are going for some EVs, other than Tesla, really want to know if the cars come with an Adapter that is approved for superchargers.

Taycans is one of the luxury electric vehicle brands that has dominated up to 94 cities. It can travel up to 190 miles in 18 minutes (80% charged) with fast charging and a battery that can last 252 to 292 miles.

Well, I know you are eager to get an answer to your question – Do Taycans Come with Tesla Adapter for Supercharger? That’s the deal on this page. Let’s show you the most accurate answer to it, according to a thorough research. Continue reading below.

Do Taycans Come With Tesla Adapter for Supercharger?
Do Taycans Come With Tesla Adapter for Supercharger?

Do Taycans Come With Tesla Adapter for Supercharger?

As of the time we gathered this information, none of Taycan vehicles come with an adapter pre-approved for the supercharger. Most Taycans do come with their unique adapters, which are not specific for the Tesla supercharger.

However, Tesla currently has a pilot program that allows other electric vehicle brands to use their supercharger. And, this program is majorly and only available in some European countries as at the time we gathered our information. We expect this to reach many other countries too soon.

And when it finally reaches most countries, you as Porse Taycan owner will be able to charge at any supercharger. We look forward to this soon.

Also, there’s another way around to use the Supercharger. And it encompasses you having a preapproved adapter by Tesla.

Would you like to know “how to”? Continue reading below.

How to Charge A Porse Taycan Vehicle With Tesla Supercharger:

One of the options we will be able to share with you for now is the CCS adapter. A dude mentioned how he did this and was successful in Scotts Valley.

Tesla is working on making the superchargers usable for other EVs brands. So, below is the guide to charging a Porsche Taycan with a supercharger.

  1. Tesla App: Download this at app store (for iPhone) or Google Play (for Android)
  2. Create an account: Once you have the app on your device, create an account.
  3. Add Credit Card and Charge: Add a credit card. After that, navigate the “Charge my non Tesla Vehicle” and tap on it.
  4. Choose a station: There will be a guide on the screen to choose the station that currently supports the system. And you’ll also need to select the station you’re at. If the station supports the system, then you’re good to go. Then you unlock the adapter, come out, and plug it. That’s it.

So, that’s the simple guide to how you can charge your Taycan with a Supercharger. At the time of writing this article, we could only find out this was practiced in Scotts Valley, CA. You can also try it out and let us know if it works for you, and where you did it. You can let us know in the comment box below this article.

Also, the attached image below shows what your screen on the app should look like.


So now, do you believe this will work for you too? There was a guy who claimed that it worked for him. And as displayed in the attached image, I believe I’m able to convince you.

Read: Did Tesla Switch to Hankook ion ev Tires as oem?

You can also try it out and share your experience with us. We remain your best source for information related to Tesla, and other electric vehicle brands.


Now that you have made it to the end of this article, I believe you find the piece of information we share with you useful. Could you need further clarification about your question – Do Taycans Come with Tesla Adapter for Supercharger, do well inform us in the comment box below.

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